Telecommunication and Information Technology

Tri-NASR > Areas of Expertise > Telecommunication and Information Technology

Our IT law specialists can assist our diverse clients in IT and telecommunications sector from both public and private sectors. At transaction level, we can assist our clients in maximizing value to negotiate, and document IT agreements.


Our lawyers are vast, experienced and highly trained to handle complex telecommunication and IT related agreements. In advising our public clientele, our lawyers are experts in designing and calibrating regulatory frameworks. 


Our experts in this area understand the market and the public-private interplay.  In Tri-NASR, We put in place the needed expertise to respond to the challenges posed by the new dimensions of legal practice in this highly specialized area. Our expertise includes:

    • Competition and Regulation 
    • Intellectual Property Rights in IT
    • Legal Regime for Computer Networks
    • Privacy Issues
    • Legal Regime for Cyber Law
    • Dispute Settlement